Whoo! That was a doozy of a rant. I don't quite know what came over me. If you missed it, check out the past rants link. Let's see... Nothing much new with me. Dislike of 121 is still high, I really like my philosophy course, and while I like the topic in my English 257 class, the participants in the class, excluding a few, are either assholes or morons. Some are possibly both and they are mostly in the center row.
Gameage wise, still playing FF6. However, with the use of a game genie, this particular run-through is quite different and fun. After learning the way the us version was coded and how the Game geine edits codes, there is a lot that I can do now, up to and including:
Amounts of EXP and gold gotten.
Random Encounters
Stats and Equipment editing
Equipping unequipable items or equiped items in wrong places
That's all. Later.
~Western Oracle
Rantings of the Western Oracle
Basicly my weekly rantings and anything else I decide to put up.