BTW this is my rant from last week.
So, I bet you are wondering what has been happening over here in the paradise known as Boise, Idaho! What mysterious news do I bring you?! Nothing Really. Class is just class, and I still hate Valentines Day. Why do I hate Valentines day? The answer you seek likes in comic form, one year ago... I would have done some sort of comic for it, but I have taken a vow not to do any work at all upon the days before or of V-Day (depends on the circumstances). Meh, It's a living...
In the lands of Video Game-age, I have found myself addicected to PSO again. This time, It happens to be the Challenge mode. PSO addictions are awful, but pale in comparison to a Daggerfall addiction. See, PSO is fun and has few angering flaws, while Daggerfall is rife with angering troubles, far too many to be written into words in an appropriate length of time (kinda short attention span ya know!). Mostly though, I've been addicted to Inu Yasha (an Anime). That's basically where my free time has gone..
OCR Song of the week: Alisia Dragoon 'HallsofAbandonment' by LastUnicron. You know, most of the time I struggle to find a song that I really like to post a link to. But this time, this song really jumped out at me. I haven't liked a song this much since, say, Grave of Zenobia or the-not-yet-posted Terranigma 'Traveler' . If your a fan of Techno, or ReMixes in general, this is really worth your time to download it.
Well, not much else to talk about. I'm done with most of my hard work for now, but Mid-terms are soon, and you know what that means! Good, cause I don't.... What does it mean? I'm not really sure. I know of a midterm in Philosophy, but the other classes are up for grabs. We'll have to wait and see....
Status: Still Ale siê bojê!
~Western Oracle
Rantings of the Western Oracle
Basicly my weekly rantings and anything else I decide to put up.
Wednesday, February 26, 2003
Yep. Not too much happening 'round these parts. Took Both of my midterms, and so far, I think I may be in trouble. I KNOW I did pretty bad in both Philosophy and Geology. Geology is a different kind of mid-term. The test was in the lab. Now, I'm no teacher, but I know that LAB classes are too be NOT GRADED. Not the case with this lab. BAH! There are far too many rocks and minerals to memorize in a three week span, only having class once a week. to test over. Philosophy is a different matter. I would have done fine on the mid-term, except for one small matter, THE PROFESSOR DID NOT GIVE US ANY IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT FOR THE TEST!! This bothers me to an extreme point. If I have no idea what to expect for the test other than "Just read everything over again", odds are I'm going to fail an essay test over this stuff. Multi choice, and short essay crap are really easy, because you do not need to have very specialized knowledge in a given subject. I underline essay test, because it is important to note that the test was a six page essay on two different (and very specific) questions. I only hope my pointless babbling nets me at least a 75%.
I bet you're thinking, "Well, at least he must have gotten to play videogames to relieve the stress!" The answer to that is both yes and no. Yes, I did get to play videogames, but not for any relaxing length of time. I did beat Metroid finnaly, but that took only half-an-hour. Yeah there were things like PSO, but I don't want to bore you with the details. Nothing really spectacular happened anyways. Still watching Inu Yasha though. One of the better Anime series I have been addicted too.
OCR Song of the week: Star Ocean: The Second Story 'Sad Rena' by EgM. It's a pretty good piece, with lots of bells and whistles (figuratively speaking of course). As the title suggests, it is a sad song, but not the sappy kind. It's more of the "Im-a-lonely-wandering-badass-who-just-lost-something-sentimental-and-now-I-continue-to-wander-becasue-I'm-a-badass" kind of sad. It's worth the download, but it's kind of short. Still a good listen though.
Status: You guessed it! I'm Ale siê bojê!
~Western Oracle