Sunday, February 01, 2004

Post for 12/12/03, one month + late

Well, what a week this has been. It's almost as If fate itself doesn't want me to do this comic! The day after I finally got everything together to continue doing comics, my computer's power supply failed. Not just failed in the sense of stopped working, failed in the sense that my computer caught fire. The back of my case was blackened. To make matters worse, my CPU fan is not performing as well as it should, causing my Athalon chip to overheat and fail. Luckily, no serious damage was done and I fixed most of the problems. Also Next week is finals week. Luckily, one of my teachers was so overworked and swamped with papers, she made the final optional. That made me happy. I still have three finals though, and English was the 2nd easiest final I had, so I've still got a lot of studying to do. Something else you might notice, is the coloring job of this comic. Thanks to the great Nexus, I have acquired a tablet! I'm not good enough to draw freehand with it yet, but it allowed for a better coloring and editing job in this comic. My new picture was the first freehand attempt with it..

I had very little time to play videogames this week, due to the effect I've dubbed the dead-week crunch. This effect causes all teachers to assign the last remaining parts of the syllabus, however much that may be, within two class sessions. However, while there was little gaming, There have been a few exploits. I recently setup a 98 machine, for the specific purpose of play all my old games. Heroes of Might an Magic II, Duke Nukem 3D and Alone in the dark 1-3. Oldies but Goodies! Learned about a few exploits in PSO (duping and multi-equip), while they are fun to play with, It's kinda sad that everythings gotten out of hand online. If only they'd use their powers for good, rather than evil.

The link to the Purple Monkocracy Productions page is up and on the sidebar.

~Western Oracle


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