So, one month later...
In actuality, I meant to have this and the next one up before I left for Texas, that way, there'd be comics for the holidays of Birthmas. Remembering who we are dealing with, is it much of a surprise it didn't go up? Not really.
The Birthmas season was rather interesting. Many cool gifts were received, as well as attempted to be given. My favorite gifts were the two O'Reilly Factor books I didn't have. I spent about 60ish hours in a van with my family coming to and from Texas, which wasn't as bad as initially planned. I forgot my Dir en Grey and Guitar Wolf CDs, which were instrumental in my plot to never have to do a road trip like that again. However, I believe my JSRF soundtrack worked fairly nice. Really it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I doubt that we are going back there anytime soon.
In the gaming front not having to work over winter break was encouraging. We finally got an adapter for the gamecube,
so now I can play PSO online! If you want to join me, look for W.Oracle in the Antares 6 vicinity, or occasionally in Altair 9 , and usually in the evenings (8-11PM MST). I'm always looking to play with other people. I also got FFX, which was surprisingly fun, but not quite what I'd hoped it would be. Better than say, FF VII or VIII, but doesn't touch the classics. The biggest problem was the EASE in which I as able to rape the system. Seriously, Square-Enix, henceforth Squeenix, please don't make it so easy to thrash the system. By the time Yu Yevon rolled around, the game was a snap. The ultimate weapons were far to cheap. However, it was cool to finally see the damage barrier get over 9999, even if it was easy to do it. Still, I recommend a play, at least a little bit.
That be all for now. Hopefully, my school schedule has solidified, and comics can continue, but with THREE upper-division classes, me thinks it might be iffy.
~Western Oracle
By the way, if you read this comic, please e-mail me and tell my your favorite Supreme Auranation comic! It's fairly important. Details will emerge later!
Rantings of the Western Oracle
Basicly my weekly rantings and anything else I decide to put up.
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