What the?! A update and a comic on Wednesday? Have I gone mad??? Possibly. I still haven't moved yet. Due to a swift and money grabbing move by the apartment complex, we are being robbed of yet another $400 dollars. The worst part is that there is not much we can do about it. Assuredly though, once finals are over, I'm out of here, for good!
\We moved all of our gaming stuff and the Altar of DOOM to the new place, so not much gaming has commenced. I did, however, play through Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for reasons I do not understand. It's not horrible, but it's not that great either. I finished in roughly 6 hours. Not long for an RPG veteran such as myself. Although, I have heard that the makers of DBZ: Budokai is in the works for a Seven Samurai video game, I only hope that it captures the true essence of this movie in it's 3rd person action game state. I also hope that it is not on the systems I do not have. I have little funds as is.
OC Remix of the week: Super Mario Brothers 3: Battle Rocks by AmIEvil. Wow. It's an awesome blend of rock and jazz. Reminds me of the Runaway five songs from Earthbound. Really good stuff, but if you've heard ANYTHING by AmIEvil, you'd know that what I said is true for all of his work. Worth a download.
~Western Oracle
Rantings of the Western Oracle
Basicly my weekly rantings and anything else I decide to put up.