Thursday, March 27, 2003

Thank God for Spring Break. So far, I've managed to do nothing that could be constituted as productive. Actually, I was "volunteered" to housesit for my family while they went to Washington D.C., without ME. So I didn't have usual access to my art programs, which is why this comic is neither color or the correct text fonts. However, like the comic shows, this did happen. Living with such roommates always leads to interesting comics.

All I've been playing recently is Morrowind. I've just been slowly whittling away at the game's plot, and the side-quests. Nothing much more on that front.

OCR Song of the week: Panzer Dragoon Orta 'More Than a Weapon' by SuperGreenX, MC. It's been A while since I listened to this, but I remember it being a very awesome piece. The size was a little big, but I remember it being worth a d/l.

Well, I'm entering not only the final weeks of School, but the last few weeks of Valinor (the apartment). It's a pretty close apartment to school, but I just can't stand the "Gestapo" of the apartment and the asses downstairs anymore. So, soon we will be moving. I should be able to continue doing the comic, but don't be surprised if there isn't any.

Out ~Western Oracle


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