Wednesday, March 12, 2003

I'm sorry about not having a comic last week. I suffered a crushing blow to myself and my academic standards. Remember that philosophy midterm? Yeah. I was destroyed. Some of it is my fault, and mine alone, but the professor is really full of himself and must find satisfaction in mocking his students. I honestly think that he gets off on it. That's enough of that anyway. Because of this crushing blow, I fell into a sad rage. This prevented me from doing the comic, because I DIDN'T REALLY CARE ABOUT IT ANYMORE. It was the furthest thing in my mind. I was a little to pre-occupied with happy thoughts of painful revenge. Luckily, my greater willpower forced me out of the rut, and kept me from doing something really stupid. Philosophy grade aside, I'm doing okay now, and reason seems to have taken control again.
So, there really hasn't been any gaming at all, outside of Metroid Prime's Hard mode and a wonderful little demo game I picked up. "What demo" you ask? It is quite possibly the greatest game I have played in a while. It is none other than Restaurant Empire! The demo only offers three scenarios, but now I'm hooked on managing my own little Imaginary restaurant. It's like the Sims, but without having to tell them what to do, so it's a little like Simcity. It's a few hundred (150ish) megs to download, but it was worth every minute of it. I really recommend, unless you REALLY hate France.

OCR Song of the week: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 'Sonik Azure' by Analoq I was a fool to overlook this piece earlier. It's really upbeat, something that I can say that I needed. The guitars are nice and it's just a happy techno-ish beat. The last part of the song was really good too, It reminded me of the end of an old TV show or an old fashioned radio show. Just great! Defiantly worth listening to even for long amounts of time in repeat!

So, now that the menace of midterms are over and I'm somewhat sane (depends on how well you know me), there should now be no stop the the comic flow. Status: Currently Stable and remotely happy. Now, If I could only win the lottery and maybe get a girl, then I'd REALLY be set...



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